Ghana’s Ministry of Finance (MoF) has published an updated Survey of the Ghanaian Tax System, produced jointly with TaxDev researchers from the Institute for Fiscal Studies (UK).
The Government of Ghana published the maiden edition of its Medium-Term Revenue Strategy (MTRS) in September 2023 which outlines the tax revenue objectives of the Government and the main tax policy
This blog was originally published on on 29 September 2024
In August 2024 the Ministry of Finance, Planning and Economic Development (MoFPED) published its tax expenditure report for the fiscal year 2022/23.
This blog was originally published on on 10 July 2024
The Rwandan Ministry of Finance and Economic Planning (MINECOFIN) published its sixth tax expenditure report in May 2024.
The value-added tax (VAT) is a cornerstone of the modern tax system.
In recent years, policymakers across the globe have become increasingly interested in not only the revenue consequences of tax policies but also their distributional impacts: that is, their impacts
Does the digitization of transactions in an economy increase tax compliance?
Despite the challenges in measuring economic resources at the individual level in a consistent manner across countries, estimates suggest that women are often more likely to be poorer, to live in p