The centre for tax analysis in developing countries

TaxDev collaborating with Government of Ghana on VAT, customs, and distributional analysis

In these videos our partners from the Revenue Policy Division of the Ghanaian Ministry of Finance explain how our joint work is helping to improve specific areas of tax policy analysis and the poli

Ghana publishes major new VAT report

Ghana’s Ministry of Finance has published a major new report – A review of Ghana’s value-added tax (VAT) system.

Ghana publishes major new VAT report

The Government of Ghana has published a major new report A review of Ghana’s value-added tax (VAT) system.

9th Zurich Conference on Public Finance in Developing Countries

December 16th-17th 2024, in Zurich, Switzerland

Ethiopia publishes its first National Medium-Term Revenue Strategy

In October 2024, the Government of Ethiopia published its first National Medium-Term Revenue Strategy (NMTRS), setting out a roadmap for reform of key elements of tax policy and administration for

Presentation: Taxing the rich

On Tuesday 3rd September 2024, TaxDev researcher Hazel Granger joined an expert panel to discuss how to tax the super-rich.

Call for papers: 9th Zurich Conference on Public Finance in Developing Countries

9th Zurich Conference on Public Finance in Developing Countries

December 16th-17th 2024, in Zurich, Switzerland | Submission by July 8th, 2024.

Presentation: Wealth-related taxes in low- and middle-income countries

On Friday 17th May 2024, TaxDev researcher Laura Abramovsky delivered a presentation on 'Wealth-related taxes in low- and middle-income countries' at an online meeting of officials from the

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