The centre for tax analysis in developing countries

Presentation: Wealth-related taxes in low- and middle-income countries

On Friday 17th May 2024, TaxDev researcher Laura Abramovsky delivered a presentation on 'Wealth-related taxes in low- and middle-income countries' at an online meeting of officials from the

Distributional analysis of Ghana’s tax system

In recent years, policymakers across the globe have become increasingly interested in not only the revenue consequences of tax policies but also their distributional impacts: that is, their impacts

Ghana publishes its first Medium-Term Revenue Strategy

On 30th September 2023, the Government of Ghana published its first Medium-Term Revenue Strategy (MTRS), setting out a plan for review and reform of key elements of both revenue policy and administ

Symposium paper: Progressive taxation in the face of inflation and instability: Lessons from Argentina

As inequality has risen around the world, the importance of tax design for achieving equity objectives has become increasingly widely discussed and is the focus of much recent public finance resear

Symposium paper: Tax equity around the world: A discussion

As inequality has risen around the world, the importance of tax design for achieving equity objectives has become increasingly widely discussed and is the focus of much recent public finance resear

Symposium paper: Globalisation, taxation and inequality

As inequality has risen around the world, the importance of tax design for achieving equity objectives has become increasingly widely discussed and is the focus of much r

Fiscal policy and gender income inequality: the role of taxes and social spending

Despite the challenges in measuring economic resources at the individual level in a consistent manner across countries, estimates suggest that women are often more likely to be poorer, to live in p

Ghana's Ministry of Finance and TaxDev host VAT and distributional analysis event

On 20th June 2023, the Ministry of Finance in Ghana, in collaboration with TaxDev, invited stakeholders from government, the private sector, and civil society to an event previewing the findings of

Personal income tax reforms and income inequality in African countries

This study sheds light on the potential of personal income tax (PIT) to address inequality in African countries.

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