The centre for tax analysis in developing countries
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This page features publications by the TaxDev team, partners, and affiliated researchers.
18th March 2024
The value-added tax (VAT) is a cornerstone of the modern tax system....
9th February 2024
In recent years, policymakers across the globe have become increasingly interested in not only the revenue consequences of tax policies but also th...
18th December 2023
Does the digitization of transactions in an economy increase tax compliance?...
17th October 2023
As inequality has risen around the world, the importance of tax design for achieving equity objectives has become increasingly widely discussed and...
20th September 2023
As inequality has risen around the world, the importance of tax design for achieving equity objectives has become increa...
Despite the challenges in measuring economic resources at the individual level in a consistent manner across countries, estimates suggest that wome...
28th June 2023